visiting the school with my ol school chum Patrick
Dec 2004
David and Patrick at The Office. Where we had to report many times as classmates
way back in 1972
photo Winter 2004
These Photos are from my first visit. I was able to take these photo's while investigating the paranormal
activity reported at the old school. I had captured these images on a very late winter night in Dec 2003.
What is it that has been captured here in the mists and orbs
seen in the photo's? Dec 2003
Front Entrance Stairwell Dec 2003
on the other side of the doors. Dec 2003
The Second Floor Main Hallway
Notice the old columns
I remember being here many times when I attended this school in the 5th and 6th grades.
Dec 2003
The same spot one year later the end of Dec 2004
Notice that the stick against the column hasnt been moved
This is just around the corner from the last photo leading towards the back stairwell
2nd floor Dec 2004
Check out all the other photos
on the other pages
Click on
the Orb at the top of page